Davies Career & Technical High

"Educating Innovators for the 21st Century"

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News and Announcements

Mission Statement

  • Our mission is to provide a challenging academic and technical education within a safe and supportive environment which ensures every industry-certified graduate is capable of pursuing higher education and becoming a productive participant in today’s workforce.

    View supporting philosophies and goals.

The Career and Tech Advantage

  • At Davies Career and Technical, we are not a vo-tech school. We are creators of innovators for the twenty-first century. Our students see their education in action and put their technical training to use in internships, job shadowing, and placement opportunities through Davies’ dedicated Office of Workforce Development. And through their academic skills, they strive to not only pursue their dreams, but to one day become leaders.

    According to a 2016 report from the Fordham Institute in Washington, D.C., the statistics are in and they show: students at career and tech schools are just as likely to pursue a four-year degree and more likely to graduate, enroll in a two-year college, and be employed. Data from the U.S. Department of Education agrees; students with industry credentials - like the ones more than 90% of our students earn at Davies - are more likely to be employed than people with academic credentials alone.

    CollegeBoard Pre-AP School

  • Business Partners and Workforce Development

    Susan Votto, Supervisor of Career and Technical Education


    401-728-1500 ext. 266