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1 Policy Table of Contents
This document shows which policy is under which category. (Updated 2/15/24)
2 Introduction
This Manual constitutes the formal statement of the Human Resources policies and procedures applicable to employees in their employment relationship with William M. Davies, Jr. Career & Technical High School (Davies). The Manual is designed to provide managerial and supervisory personnel, along with all employees, with uniform knowledge of Davies’ Policies and Procedures, in order to assure equitable and consistent application. This Manual is not intended to be an inflexible rule book. Rather it should be a resource for interpreting the variety of situations that can occur in the workplace.
3 Administration / Board of Trustees
The William M. Davies, Jr. Career & Technical High School (Davies) is a state-operated school governed by an independent, business-led Board of Trustees (Board) who are the policymakers for the school. Under the auspices of the Board, the Director is independently responsible for the day-to-day operations of the school.
Included in this section are:
Badge Policy
Building Closure
Copy Machine and Reproductions
Davies Guest and Visitor Policy/Procedure
Dress Code Guidelines
Facility Usage
Flexible Work Hours Policy
Fund Raising
Guide for Davies Class Advisors
Staff Parking
Personal Communication
Board of Regents' Personnel Policy Manual
Walkie Talkie Etiquette
4 Business Office
The Business Office of the William M. Davies, Jr. Career & Technical High School (Davies) traditionally has encompassed all financial functions, including but not limited to: budgeting; purchasing; accounts payable; payroll; accounts receivable; the student lunch program; as well as all financial reporting as required both internally and externally. In addition, the Business Office plays a key role in all facility projects and the negotiation and execution of all of Davies’ contracts (labor and the purchase of goods and contracted services). The Business Office is also responsible for all communication systems within the school, which includes the in-house Simplex telephone switch and its related telephone equipment, including the Audix voicemail system.
Included in this section are:
Out-of-State Travel Policy
In-State Automobile Travel Reimbursement Form
Appointment of Authorized Agent
Departmental Budgeting Process
Donated Equipment
Equipment Purchases & Projects - Costing and Budgeting Procedures
Front Desk
In-State Travel Reimbursement
Ordering of Office/Classroom Supplies
Out-of-State Travel Expense Report
Out-of-State Travel Reimbursement
Receiving Area Procedures
State/Davies Purchasing Procedures
Student Activities Account
5 Workforce Development
The Office of Workforce Development will focus on developing and maintaining strategic community and business partnerships. They will assist technical teachers in recruiting Advisory Board Members.
Included in this section are:
Work Based Learning Eligibility Requirements
Business Partnership Agreements
Work-Based Learning
Chauffeur's License
Davies Activities Van Use
Dress for Success
Site Visits
Workbased Learning Agreement Form
Work-based Learning Eligibility Form
6 Public Relations
The Marketing Communications Specialist focuses on enhancing public awareness of William M. Davies, Jr. Career & Technical High School (Davies) and its programs and improving parental involvement in school programs. Promoting public awareness will focus primarily on the parent, business and community audiences by expanding the use of media, social media, the Davies website and printed materials. Major promotions will target the Community and Parent Relations Committee and related activities for parents, the Davies Community Showcase, and other events that promote students, teachers and programs.
Included in this section:
Media Relations
Photo Release Policy
Public Relations
School-Wide Announcements
7 Facilities
The Facilities Department is supervised by the Facilities Coordinator who supervises a staff of Janitors, one Assistant Building Grounds Officer, and one Groundskeeper. This department is charged with the responsibility of ensuring that all students and staff are safe from any physical or biological harm by:
1. Maintaining a clean, healthy, and safe school
2. Maintaining the structural systems relative to the school’s physical plantIncluded in this section are:
Energy Star Purchasing Policy
Receivership of Deliveries
Snow and Ice Removal
8 Guidance (School Counselors)
The Guidance Department functions as a full service department serving the needs of students, parents, teachers and staff based on the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) standards. Ongoing activities include scheduling students according to testing and other measurable factors for freshmen students. Upper class students are scheduled according to teacher recommendation and student and parent requests. In addition to academic, personal and crisis intervention counseling roles, the annual Guidance calendar highlights the other routine roles of the department: grade monitoring, mid and end of term reports, scheduling students into the Academic Recovery program, end of year exam scheduling, SAT and PSAT testing, Stanford testing for applying students, placing and monitoring students in technical programs. Additionally, the staff oversees 504 plans, attends special education meetings and reviews, and attends team common planning meetings. Counselors facilitate student learning about the process and applying to higher educational settings to include dual enrollment programs in senior year. The staff supports the Workforce Development office in their Work Based Learning program and other programs. The counselors meet weekly with the Supervisor of Student Management.
Included in this section are:
Davies’ Admissions Policy and Procedure (Updated 1/11/24)
2020-2021 Grading Policy
Change of Address Form
Change of Address Policy
Credit/Course Recovery
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
Proficiency Based Graduation Requirement (PBGR)
Student-Athlete Eligibility Policy
Student Residency Requirements Policy & Procedure
Student Withdrawal Procedures
Transfer Students
Dual Enrollment (added 2/15/24)
8b Davies’ Admissions Policy and Procedure (Only)
Under RI Gen. Laws 16-45-1.1, Davies Board of Trustees is required to develop admissions criteria and assessment procedures that shall promote equal access, enrollment, and
participation in vocational programming regardless of age, sex, race, limited English proficiency, disadvantage, or disability. Such an admission process is necessary in career and technical education (CTE) programs where space is a limiting factor. CTE programs are designed and equipped to serve a specific maximum number of students safely. Consequently, a complex of such laboratories lacks both the space and flexibility to accommodate the possible needs and/or interests of all applicants. Therefore, a selection process is necessary and appropriate. -
9 Human Resources
The Human Resources (HR) Department plays an integral role in the strategic management of an organization. The HR Department at William M. Davies, Jr. Career & Technical High School (Davies) handles a multitude of activities that includes acting as the liaison for the Rhode Island Department of Administration, HR planning and analysis, equal employment compliance, employment action processes, compliance with policy and procedure, employee advocacy, contract negotiations, Davies employee liaison to the Board of Trustees, teacher coverage/substitute needs, staffing, HR development, compensation and benefits, health and safety awareness, security issues, HRIS, ethics, evaluation standards, HR training, employee and labor management relations.
Included in this section are:
Discrimination and Harassment: Nondiscrimination/Anti-harassment
Policy and Complaint ProcedureExit Interview Policy
Exit Interview Survey Form
Extra-Curricular Activity Appointments
Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
Frontline Policy/Request for Leave (Updated 12/4/23)
Request for Medical Workplace Accommodation Form
Medical Accommodation Request
Organizational and Employee Development
School Improvement and Professional Enrichment (SIPE) Guidelines
Social Media Policy
Time Clock
Worker’s Compensation Guidelines
Title IX (added 2/15/24)
10 Instruction
William M. Davies, Jr. Career & Technical High School (Davies) employs three Supervisors of Instruction. The Supervisor of Academic Instruction, the Supervisor of Student Supports, and the Supervisor of Technical Instruction serve as the Administrators of all aspects of the educational programs at Davies including development, evaluation, improvement and
assessment.Included in this section are:
Academic Book Room
Official Policy and Procedure for In Class Academic Recovery
Official Policy and Procedure for Remote Academic Recovery Classes
Response To Intervention
11 Information Technology
The Information Technology (IT) operations provide technical support and oversight for the school’s technology infrastructure along with managing the data needed to support administrative decision making and Federal and State reporting requirements for performance based goals and objectives.
Included in this section:
1:1 Program Student Responsibilities
Employee Internet Acceptable Use Policy
Help Desk/IT Work Order Policy
Portable Computing Policy and Equipment Use Agreement
Responsible Use of Technology Policy
Student Internet Acceptable Use Policy
12 Student Management
The Office of Student Management oversees all of the student discipline, student attendance, performance enhancement plans and interventions at William M. Davies, Jr. Career & Technical High School (Davies). The Supervisor of Student Management coordinates efforts between parents and the Guidance Department.
Included in this section are:
Activity Requests/Site Visit Requests Procedure
Activities Request Form
Bullying/Harassment Policy
Cafetorium/Food Policy
Dating Violence
Discipline Policy
Dress Code - Student
Electronic Device Policy
Extra-Curricular/After-School Activities
IDs and Agenda Use
Office Detention Policy
Physical Restraint/Crisis Intervention
Protocols Governing the Administration of Medical Marijuana to
StudentsDavies’ Policy Addressing the Rights of Transgender and Gender
Non-Conforming Students to a Safe, Supportive and
Non-discriminatory School Environment.Inclement Weather Policy
Student Parking
During unprecedented times such as this, additional policies are required to ensure the health and safety of all staff and students at William M. Davies, Jr. Career & Technical High School (Davies). The policies in this section are to be followed during times that the school is following Center for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines for pandemic safety.
Included in this section are:
Responding to Positive Cases
Screening Policy 21-22
Secreening Policy
Social Distancing Policy 21-22
Social Distancing Policy
Face Mask Policy 3_4_22
Athletic Guidance (COVID)